Meet Bella

I’m Bella, I’ve been fostering dogs since I was 15. My love for rescue started at 13 when I rescued my first and only dog Otto. When I got Otto he was a very naughty boy, he was biting me in my face. My mom had told me she wanted to return him because I was her baby she just wanted to protect me. Of course, he was only being naughty because he had previously endured lots of trauma. Somehow I was able to convince my mom to let me keep Otto and now he’s her dog. Funny how that works. When I turned 15, I moved to Vegas and started fostering for A Home 4 Spot. My first fosters ever were two pitbull puppies, named Ruby and Ellie. When Ruby and Ellie finally got adopted, I was addicted to the feeling of taking dogs out a bad situation and getting them into their dream forever homes. I kept taking more and more dogs. Two years later and here we are…at this point, I’ve lost count of how many foster’s I’ve had. My favorite part about fostering is getting updated photos from my dog’s forever families. I made this site because I want to be able to do more for rescue dogs, but more specifically the dogs on the kill list. I feel as though people don’t understand the reality of the rescue world, they’re uninformed about fostering, and have no idea how many dogs are dying every day at no fault of their own. The reality is these dogs are suffering because of human error. When you get a dog, you must understand that dog is a lifetime commitment. You must care and provide for that dog until the day they pass. It’s really frustrating for us as rescuers to hear some of these stories and the excuses of why you can no longer care for your animal that you went out of your way to get. It’s especially frustrating because fosters, rescues, and shelters are filled to the brim with these dogs. We do everything we possibly can to make sure these animals are safe. It’s extremely discouraging when we get calls about dogs that have been thrown out of windows, hit with machetes, had acid poured on them, and the list goes on and on. Honestly, sometimes it feels like no matter how many dogs you save and get adopted it’ll just never be enough. Please people TAKE CARE OF YOUR ANIMALS! If you can’t adopt look into fostering, if you can’t foster, donate, if you can’t donate please volunteer. There are many different ways to help these dogs. Let’s save the doggies!